About Us
The Downtown Nampa Association (DNA) is a non-profit 501(c)(6) community development entity accredited through the National Main Street America™ Organization. We work in partnership with the City of Nampa for the benefit of the merchants, business owners, property owners, and residents of the Nampa Downtown Districts (Downtown Historic, Downtown Village, and Downtown Business districts; see below) as well as the greater Nampa Community.
The Downtown Nampa Association is focused on revitalization, building vibrant neighborhoods, and supporting a thriving economy. As a dedicated advocate for the Downtown Districts, the Downtown Nampa Association leverages its budget resources and relationships on behalf of its constituent members to bring about change that would not otherwise be possible. The Downtown Nampa Association is volunteer-based and organized by paid staff.

As a Main Street America™ accredited program since 2013, the Downtown Nampa Community Association is a recognized program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ accredited programs meet a set of national accreditation standards of performance as outlined by the National Main Street Center.

As an Idaho Main Street Program member, DNCA is a participating member among the statewide strong network of professionals whose work is shaping the future of our downtowns and community business districts. The Idaho Main Street Program is committed to the long-term preservation and prosperity of business districts everywhere. Our membership provides beneficial resources to shape and support the future of our local Nampa Downtown Districts.
Our Guiding Principles
- Asset Based – Our number one guiding principle is to capitalize on the assets that make downtown Nampa unique.
- Comprehensive – Revitalization is a complex process that will not be accomplished through a single project.
- Incremental – Small projects and simple activities lead to a more sophisticated understanding of the revitalization process and helps develop understanding and skills so more complex problems can be addressed.
- Implementation-Focused – Activity creates confidence in the program and even greater levels of participation. Frequent visible changes are a reminder that the revitalization effort is underway.
- Quality - Quality must be emphasized in every aspect of the revitalization program. This applies equally to each element of the program, from storefront design, to promotional campaigns, to educational programs.
- Changing Attitudes - Changes in attitude and practice are necessary to improve current economic conditions. Public support for change will build as the program grows.
- Partnerships - Both the public and private sectors have a vital interest in the economic health and physical viability of downtown. Each sector has a role to play and each must understand the other’s strengths and limitations so that an effective partnership can be forged.
- Self-Directed – Local leadership must have the desire and will to make the project successful. While the National and State organizations provide direction, ideas, and training, the continued and long-term success here in Nampa depends upon the involvement and commitment of the community.
The 4-Point Approach
The National Main Street Center was established as a program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 1980 as a way to address the many issues facing older and historic downtowns. The Main Street program offers a roadmap for locally owned, locally driven prosperity, through a proven 4-point approach.
The Main Street model focuses on four community transformation strategies as shown below.
Our Values
Our values are areas of focus that will drive our transformation strategies. These values paint a narrative of what our downtown could look like with a successful transformation strategy. These may at first seem somewhat generic and that is because they are. They are just a starting place and using the Main Street Approach will incorporate these values as foundational framework to our transformation strategies.
Community Involvement
Since we are a volunteer organization, we have formed committees focused on each of the four transformation strategies. Each committee is chaired by a member of the board of directors and we are looking for people from the community who have passion, time, and desire to serve Nampa and the downtown community in these areas.
If you or someone you know might have interest in any of these committees please send an email to info@downtownnampa.com.